Install Fluentd with Ansible
Fluentd has become the popular open source log aggregration framework for a while. I’ll try to give it a spin with Ansible. There are quite some existing Ansible playbooks to install Fluentd out there, but I would like to do it from scratch just to understand how it works. From the installation guide page, I…
The Burnout Effect
Back in October 2015 I got an offer from a big data startup, and after 1 year and 4 months I decided to move on. There’s a 3D printer and a drone in the office and the team was talking about Fallout 4 in the morning because it was just released. I thought the company…
苹果电脑上的 Home 和 End 键
公司里面一般就给你准备两种笔记本电脑: Windows 10 + Lenovo/Dell/HP 或者 OS X + Macbook Pro. 我拿到的是后者, 而且是很不错的一款, 2015 MBP 顶级配置. 不过苹果电脑里有一些设置真是毫无道理, 例如 Home 和 End 键, 在 OS X 中被定义为[页首]和[页尾], Linux 上 Home 和 End 缺省是[行首]和[行尾]. 我不知道别人的实际应用是怎样的, 但对我而言[行首]和[行尾]要更常用到, 例如, 命令行 😀 下面是如何在 OS X 上重新定义 Home/End (在 Terminal 里完成): mkdir -p ~/Library/KeyBindings cat <<EOF > ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict { /* Remap…
关闭 Dell XPS 15 9550 的独立显卡
最近我从 ebay 淘了个二手 Dell XPS 15 笔记本电脑, 2016年的而且配置很高, 但价格相当便宜. 既然好货不便宜, 这电脑是不是有问题? 是的, 卖家承认电脑的 nVidia 独立显卡有故障, 装好驱动程序之后 Windows 就会僵死, 但禁用了它之后一切正常, 当然就不要指望能玩什么像样的游戏了. 不过正好我也不打算在笔记本电脑上玩游戏的, 而且 Dell 对 Linux 的支持算是很好的, 于是我欣然买下. 电脑到手后我装了 Fedora 25, 一切顺利, 送走了 Windows 10. 顺便提及, Fedora 25 已经能检测到 XPS 15 BIOS 有更新可以安装了, 很赞. 启用 nVidia 驱动后果然死锁. 索性把 nVidia 关闭了吧, 还能延长电池的使用时间呢. 首先添加 bumblebee, 参考(在 Fedora 25…
Use MySQL Trigger To Do Incremental ETL
There’s a huge MySQL table that I need to ETL to Google BigQuery daily, about 1 billion rows. The rows are updated in a random fashion all the time so I can’t do incremental ETL by the recording the max primary key. Then my colleague brought up the trigger idea, which I believe is the…
Saving Images in Chrome with Selenium
Here’s how to save images in Chrome browser using Selenium. The API has element.screenshot_as_png() method but apparently it’s not implemented at the moment. With some minor changes to this answer I can save a image via the browser: 🙂
Install OS X Sierra on VirtualBox on Ubuntu
Following the guide below I installed Sierra in a VirutalBox VM running on Ubuntu quite easily. https://techsviewer.com/install-macos-sierra-virtualbox-windows/ Update: sample vboxmanage commands. vboxmanage modifyvm Sierra –cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 00100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff vboxmanage setextradata Sierra “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct” “iMac11,3” vboxmanage setextradata Sierra “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion” “1.0” vboxmanage setextradata Sierra “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct” “Iloveapple” vboxmanage setextradata Sierra “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey” “ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc” vboxmanage setextradata Sierra “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC” 1…
Install OS X Sierra on Proxmox
My Proxmox running on an old Intel i7 has been upgraded to the latest: 4.4-5. When started the Sierra installer prepared following the above guide, the menu bar was stuck at “Language Chooser” which prevent the launch of DiskUtility or Terminal. The issue isn’t new and has its ticket here: https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM/issues/26 But I didn’t find…