An Anatomy of an ArgoCD ApplicationSet
TL; DR: Here’s a working ArgoCD Application Set in YAML with probably all popular features + comments. I wouldn’t expect anyone got theirselves here without knowing what an ArgoCD ApplicationSet is for but just in case. A good reference: https://medium.com/@geoffrey.muselli/argocd-at-scale-with-applicationset-go-template-7f326d8a61f3 🙂
Solved: Kustomize Unable to Parse SM or JSON Patch
Recently I noticed that my ArgoCD manifests I used to patch using kustomize don’t work with latest version of kustomize anymore. The error I got looks like: My patch.yaml had something like this: There’s no syntax error in my files as this worked before. I tried to remove sections from the patch file and see…
Solved: Jsonnet Language Server in Zed Failed to Start
Since some update recently my Zed editor on my Macbook had trouble to start the Jsonnet language server, so the syntax validation and auto-complete are gone. I had a look at the error message but it didn’t really hinted anything: At least it told me where the server’s binary is located. So I went to…
My New Favourite Editor is Neither VS Code Nor Atom
I used to use Atom as my main editor but it somehow lost its popularity and withered sadly. Then I switched to VS Code which is also Electron based and similar to Atom in some ways. VSC was great until recently I heard about Zed, which I immediately felt excited about it, for a few…
A Simple and Interactive Decoder for Kubernetes Secrets
TL; DR: Here’s a simple shell function which can decode Kubernetes secrets interactively and should work in any Bash and compatible environments. Requirements: Here’s the code. This can be chained together with other commands too, eg. on a Mac, I can do Then the decoded content of selected secret key will be put into clipboard.…
How to Use the Sidecar Resource to Optimise Memory Footprint of Istio Sidecar
In a populous GKE cluster, I saw the memory utilisation getting very high. After some investigation, to my surprise, a great deal of memory was consumed by tiny Istio sidecars. And they are getting bloated round the clock. The Istio sidecar essentially is an envoy proxy configured by Istio controller – istiod. It’s usually light-weight,…
An Admin-Only Python Decorator for Telegram Bots
TL; DR: Here’s a Python Decorator I wrote for Telegram Bots so certain commands can only be used by group admins.
Solved: Blank Screen After Login in Gnome Shell 44
Background: I have an old desktop computer running Fedora 36 + Gnome Shell desktop environment and upgraded to 38 recently. It was used as an archive so I left it in garage and only connect to it vis SSH or VNC. Now I moved it into my home office because I think it can act…