Your WP site can be hosted alongside mine paying next to nothing. If that interests you, keep on reading…
Proudly self-hosted WordPress blog since 2006 🙂
This site is running on a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster sitting in my garage, fully automated with GitOps enabled + backup in Google Cloud. My home (in Melbourne, Australia) connection is 5G, speed is usually around 600mbps.
I have solar power and battery storage(Tesla Power Wall 2), ie. almost 100% running on clean energy. And unless my ISP messes up my site will still be online even if there’s a blackout.
There are more than 32 CPU cores and 192GB of memory to spare so if you’re looking for a next to free WordPress hosting, feel free to give this a try. Slots are limited due to hardware capacity.
For more technical details, see:
- Hybrid Kubernetes Cluster (X86 + ARM)
- Kubernetes and GitOps with ArgoCD + Tanka + Jsonnet
- 5G + Public IP with OpenVPN

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