TL; DR: Here’s a working ArgoCD Application Set in YAML with probably all popular features + comments. I wouldn’t expect anyone got theirselves here without knowing what an ArgoCD ApplicationSet is for but just in case.
--- apiVersion: kind: ApplicationSet metadata: annotations: {} labels: name: argocd-application-set name: argocd-application-set namespace: argocd spec: generators: # list is usually the most versatile generator - list: elements: - cascadeDelete: false destination_namespace: argocd destination_server: https://kubernetes.default.svc disableDefaultLibs: false libs: [] name: argocd path: argocd project: ci-cd prune: true repoURL: selfHeal: true syncOptions: [] targetRevision: HEAD # top level arguments tlas: - name: env value: nonprod - name: foo value: bar - name: cluster value: beta - <next item> ... goTemplate: true goTemplateOptions: - missingkey=error template: metadata: # value of String type can go like this name: '{{ .name }}' spec: destination: namespace: '{{ .destination_namespace }}' server: '{{ .destination_server }}' ignoreDifferences: [] project: '{{ .project }}' source: path: '{{ .path }}' repoURL: '{{ .repoURL }}' targetRevision: '{{ .targetRevision }}' syncPolicy: syncOptions: # common value for all ArgoCD Applications - ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true # advanced patching usiong conditions and loops # for values that are more than simple strings templatePatch: | metadata: {{ -if .cascadeDelete }} finalizers: - {{ -end }} spec: source: directory: jsonnet: tlas: {{ -range $tla in .tlas }} - name: '{{ $ }}' value: '{{ $tla.value }}' {{ -end }} libs: {{ -if not .disableDefaultLibs }} - 'mylib.libsonnet' {{ -end }} {{ -range $lib in .libs }} - '{{ $lib }}' {{ -end }} syncPolicy: automated: prune: '{{ .prune }}' selfHeal: '{{ .selfHeal }}'
A good reference: