How to Allow and Respect Differences in ArgoCD
I’ve been using ArgoCD as my GitOps toolkit for my Kubernetes home lab for many years, nothing major to complain. I wanted to test canary deployment with Argo Rollouts with which Istio is supported. However Argo Rollouts is not really GitOps friendly – it modifies weight of routes without commit to git repository, to gradually…
An Anatomy of an ArgoCD ApplicationSet
TL; DR: Here’s a working ArgoCD Application Set in YAML with probably all popular features + comments. I wouldn’t expect anyone got theirselves here without knowing what an ArgoCD ApplicationSet is for but just in case. A good reference: https://medium.com/@geoffrey.muselli/argocd-at-scale-with-applicationset-go-template-7f326d8a61f3 🙂
How to Upgrade Istio the Git-Ops Way
Istio 1.17 has been running really well in my Garage Kubernetes lab, but I thought it’s time to give it an upgrade. It was installed and configured using istioctl utility last time when I bootstrapped the cluster. Since I’ve automated a lot of Kubernetes resources using ArgoCD I would like to upgrade Istio the git-ops…
ArgoCD, Jsonnet and Tanka in 2024
A few years ago, I got to know Jsonnet and I loved it at first sight. I used a nice little tool called tanka to manage my Jsonnet manifests and I got them working together with ArgoCD, and finally I re-deployed my blog using this combo. Everything worked like a charm, until… Recently I upgraded…
Solved: Uninstallation of config-connector Got Stuck in ArgoCD
The Kubernetes Config Connector is another level of IaC(Infrastructure as Code): It wraps Google Cloud resources like a Cloud Load Balancer with Kubernetes CRDs(Custom Resource Definition) so instead of writing Terraform HCL I can write YAML to manage GCP infrastructure. However when there’s a need to uninstall a config-connector, it got stuck in ArgoCD As…
Django DB Migration Job with ArgoCD
A Job in Kubernetes is a one-off and immutable task to be carried out during deployment. But what if a job needs to run for each deployment? A new job with the same name can’t be deployed on top of the existing one, given it in completed or failed state. Since Kubernetes 1.23, A TTL(Time…
Running Minecraft Server in Kubernetes Cluster
A month ago I had an idea to run a Minecraft server in my garage Kubernetes lab. I though it might interest my little Minecraft player at home with some Kubernetes and GitOps stuff but that failed miserably. But at least I knew how to host a Minecraft server in Kubernetes, with ArgoCD too. First…
Sideloader: An InitContainer to Sideload Stuff to Your Main Container
After having played with ArgoCD for a few days, I came cross a blog post on how to get Grafana Tanka to work with ArgoCD. I like the idea to have Tanka as a plugin of ArgoCD, because: The main ArgoCD docker image doesn’t get bloated by all those binaries we want to use with…