Tag: wifi

  • Google Nest Wifi: A Speaker With Mesh Wifi

    I have been using a NetGear Nighthawk R7000 for many years, time for an upgrade. The Google Nest Wifi is very easy to setup, only need to connect the Nest Wifi router to existing router/modem and the rest can be done on a phone with Google Home app. Here are some good stuff I got…

  • Resolved: Arch Linux WiFi issue

    When I connected my laptop running Arch Linux to a new WiFi this morning, it worked for a brief moment then all connections were dropped. Connecting to the same WiFi with phone or Macbook works fine so the problem is at Arch LInux(AL)’s end. Then I noticed if I do a route it actually showed 2…

  • Ubuntu Server 11.04 + TP-LINK WN821N

    用Ubuntu Desktop版, 连接wifi非常容易, 甚至比Windows还容易: 因为你基本不用去找wifi无线网卡的驱动了. 但如果是只有CLI命令行的Server版呢? 当然有人会反问, 谁会用无线方式连接一台服务器呢? 我有一套旧的Atom330, 闲着也是闲着, 就拿它做个测试服务器玩玩. 但是我又不能容忍它在身边的嗡嗡声(风扇不够高级呵呵). 于是我把它放到阳台上, 只连上电源线, 网络就靠wifi了. 首先要看看Ubuntu Server是否支持WN821N这个USB-wifi适配器. 接好后, 运行: $ifconfig -a 如果结果里有’wlan0’的一段, 说明系统已支持. 我安装的Ubuntu Server 11.04版无需修改已支持WN821N. 下一步是修改网络接口配置文件/etc/network/interfaces. 未经过配置的interfaces文件大致是这样吧: auto lo iface lo inet loopback 修改后的如下(修改需要sudo): auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static address gateway netmask network…