Tag: redis

  • Solved: Python Telegram Bot Hangs

    I’ve upgraded my Telegram game bot Word Squad to use the latest V21 Python Telegram Bot(PTB) framework, from a distant V13 which I built this bot with 2 years ago. Along the way I upgraded a few components too, such as Python 3.9 –> 3.12, redis 6 –> 7, etc. After I made all the…

  • Caching in Python with Redis + @Decorator

    TL;DR: Here’s a simple Python decorator I wrote which can cache function results with Redis. Prerequisites The Python Decorator What’s a decorator in Python? Here’s a very easy-to-understand explanation just for the question. Below is my code of the decorator with notes: Done 🙂

  • Internal Service in Kubernetes Cluster

    In Kubernetes(K8s) cluster, 1 or more containers form a pod and every container in the pod can access other container’s port just like apps in the same local host. For example: – pod1 – nginx1 – gunicorn1, port:8000 – pod2 – nginx2 – gunicorn2, port:8000 So nginx1 can access gunicorn1’s port using localhost:8000 and nginx2…