Grant a Service Account an IAM Role in AWS/GCP
How to grant a pod running in a Kubernetes cluster necessary permissions to access cloud resources such as S3 buckets? The most straight forward approach is to save some API key in the pod and use it to authenticate against cloud APIs. If the cluster is running inside the cloud, an IAM role can then…
Working with a Big Corporation
So it’s been a while since I started this job in a big corporation. I always enjoy new challenges, now my wish got granted. Not in a very good way. The things work in a quite different manner here. There are big silos and layers between teams and departments, so the challenges here are not…
Don’t Panic When Kubernetes Master Failed
It was business as usual when I was upgrading our Kubernetes cluster from 1.9.8 to 1.9.10, until it isn’t. From AWS console I can see the new instance for the master is running and the old one has been terminated. There’s 1 catch though, the IP yy.yy.yy.yy is not the IP of the new master…
Manage AWS EBS Snapshot Life Cycle with Lambda
The timing is not so great. The AWS Data Lifecycle Manager has been announced but I can’t wait for its release. So I decided to use AWS Lambda to do some snapshot lifecycle management. First a role for Lambda having full access to snapshots can be created via the console. To create snapshot with Python…
Playing with Kubernetes Ingress Controller
It’s very very easy to use Kubernetes(K8s) to provision an external service with AWS ELB, there’s one catch though(at least for now in 2018). AWS ELB is usually used with an auto scaling group and a launch configuration. However with K8s, EC2 instances won’t get spun directly, only pods will, which is call Horizontal Scaling.…
Kubernetes External Service with HTTPS
This is a quick example to assign an SSL certificate to a Kubernetes external service(which is an ELB in AWS). Tested with kops 1.8 and kubernetes 1.8. — apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-https-service namespace: my-project labels: app: my-website-ssl annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert: “arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-2:xxx:certificate/xxx…” service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: “http” service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-ports: “https” service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: ‘3600’ spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: app: my-website…
Kops: Add Policies for Migrated Apps
When migrating some old applications to a Kubernetes(k8s) cluster provisioned by kops, a lot of things might break and one of them is the missing policy for the node. By default, nodes of a k8s cluster have the following permissions: ec2:Describe* ecr:GetAuthorizationToken ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer ecr:GetRepositoryPolicy ecr:DescribeRepositories ecr:ListImages ecr:BatchGetImage route53:ListHostedZones route53:GetChange // The following permissions are…
Gotcha AWS NAT instance
It’s quite straight forward when creating an NAT instance for a private subnet in AWS, eg. search for amzn-ami-vpc-nat-hvm for the AMI then launch it into a public subnet. However I need to disable source/destination check before the NAT instance becomes available in the drop down list of destinations of a route table: 🙂