Customize the Kustomize for Kubernetes CRDs
I’ve introduced Kustomize in this earlier post, now I feel even happier because Kustomize can be even more customized for some CRDs(Custom Resource Definition). For instance, Kustomize doesn’t know how to handle Istio’s VirtualService object, but with some simple YAML style configurations it ‘learns’ to handle that easily. So in name-reference.yaml, kustomize will learn the…
2020 新年快乐!!我不得不重复的说,时间过的太快了。其中的一个原因大概是我离开我舒适的环境去接受新的挑战。 2019年初我从 AFL 离职后加入了云计算顾问公司 Contino,想给自己找点挑战,结果还真是很挑战。我从来没做过顾问,因为我性格内向而且英语交流也仅仅达到及格的水平,我想一定是之前的技术经验为我赢得了这份工作。 入职后不久我就被派到一家4万多人的大企业做云迁移项目,就是将原本运行在 IBM 硬件上的业务系统搬迁到 AWS 上继续运行。这回算是体验到了 IBM 的傲慢,知道大客户要投奔 AWS 了也并不在意,但也不是很大方的提供技术上的支持就是了。在大企业里很多事情靠的不是技术而是人际关系和政治头脑,而我在这些方面基本属于幼稚园毕业。好在同事们非常有团队精神,帮我度过了最初几个月。后来我有幸参加了公司的软技能培训,收获非常大,瞬间意识到自己以前说话的方式有多么简陋。 另外一大收获就是我从一个“肉食动物”走上了素食之路,这简直是不可思议的。 在猫本的第一份工作期间我的一个同事 G 就是素食者。当时我们几个“正常人”总是开他的玩笑,例如:素汉堡不算汉堡。但至少我从此有了一个素食朋友。最近几年老婆将后院菜园种的有声有色,各种蔬菜直接从菜园进厨房,真正的新鲜蔬菜。我当然还是爱吃肉的,但老婆收获的蔬菜是必须吃的,所以我吃蔬菜的比例有了很大提高。令我感到意外的是,吃蔬菜的感觉还真不错。 与此同时,肉食产品的负面新闻接踵而来:禽流感,猪瘟,过度放牧,抗生素饲料等等。这些让我对吃肉的兴趣有所减弱。直到我看了 NetFlix 上的纪录片 The Game Changers ,我了解到了很多最强的人,例如运动员,铁人五项冠军等等都不吃肉:“很多人问我,你如何只吃素却像牛一样强壮?我反问,你见过牛吃肉吗?” 没错,就像“钻石恒久远 一颗永流传”一样,让人们喜欢吃肉也是市场运作的结果。 目前我已经不再吃猪牛羊肉了,希望在新的一年里能停吃鸡肉,仅偶尔吃些鱼肉。
Use fzf to Supercharge Your kubectl Command
First let’s have a look at fzf, a super fast command line fuzzy finder. It’s mostly written in golang and there are so many ways to use it. In this note, I’ll just use it to select a value from a list in a terminal and then return it to next command. When working with…
Fedora 31, Optimus, Bumblebee and Steam
My laptop(XPS 15) has Nvidia 1050 Ti but I never used it to play games, because I replaced Windows 10 with Fedora Linux on the first day, not even a dual boot. I’ve tried Bumblebee to run Linux native games on Nvidia a few years ago but it wasn’t stable enough. After I upgraded the…
Golang and Docker Multi-Stage Build MK2
In my previous post I used Docker multi stage technique to build a Docker container image which only has the golang executable in a tiny Alpine Linux base image. I’ll go further to use the scratch base image which has basically nothing. Here’s the Dockerfile I tested on my own project, I’ve also added comments…
Deploying WordPress to Kubernetes with Kustomize
I’ve just migrated this blog site itself into the kubernetes cluster I built with Raspberry Pi 4s, and this post is about the steps and approach I used to achieve this goal. Yes, what you have been reading is served by 1 of the Raspberry Pi boards. First of all, a bit introduction on kustomize:…
Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 3
Continue from part 2, this is mostly about installing ingress controller. In short, an ingress controller is like a single entry point for all ingress connections into the cluster. The reason I chose Flannel over other CNIs is that it’s lightweight and not bloated with features. I would like to keep the Pi 4s easy…
Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 2
Continue from part 1 It’s recommended to change all Pi’s password also run ssh-copy-id pi@192.168.1.x to enable SSH public key login. There are lots of steps to prepare before kubeadm is installed, so I made this ansible repository to simplify this repeating process. Please see here. The ansible role will do the following tasks: set…