Tag: kubeadm

  • How to Upgrade a Kubernetes Cluster with `kubeadm` in 2024

    TL; DR: I upgraded my Garage Kubernetes Lab cluster from 1.28 to 1.29 recently. Here’s how I did it. Upgrading the Control Plane First, the Linux package repository needs to be updated to include kubeadm 1.29. This can be done like this(My cluster is built with Ubuntu 22.04, for other Linux distributions please refer to…

  • Rebuild a Kubernetes Node Without Downtime

    When I built the in-house Kubernetes cluster with Raspberry PIs, I followed the kubeadm instructions and installed Raspberry PI OS on the PIs. It was all good except the RPI OS is 32-bit. Now I want to install a Ubuntu 20.04 Server ARM64 on this PI, below are steps with which I rebuilt the node…

  • Hybrid Kubernetes Cluster (X86 + ARM)

    The one in the picture was my old laptop, then my daughter’s for a few years. Now she got a nice new 2-in-1 ultra book the school asked us parents to buy, this clunky one was gathering dust on shelves. I tried to sell it but got no one’s attention despite it has got i7…

  • Renew Certificates Used in Kubeadm Kubernetes Cluster

    It’s been more than a year since I built my Kubernetes cluster with some Raspberry PIs. There was a few times that I need to power down everything to let electricians do their work and the cluster came back online and seemed to be Ok afterwards, given that I didn’t shutdown the PIs properly at…