Tag: Google Cloud

  • Solved: Google Managed Prometheus Kept Crashing

    Context: I use Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus(GMP I call it for convenience) as the central piece of my observability stack. In a nut shell it’s Prometheus managed by Google. GMP runs a collector Prometheus pod in each node, as a DaemonSet. The collector Prometheus scrapes metrics within the node and forwards them to…

  • A GKE Issue: Metadata Service Is Unreachable In Nodes

    Recently I encountered some errors in a GKE cluster where a lot of pods were stuck at crash loop backoff state, which means the pods couldn’t recover on their own. When taking a closer look, I saw errors like: It’s a DNS issue then. However when I created a pod and ran some DNS tests…

  • How to Mount an Existing Google Persistent Disk to a Pod in GKE

    TL; DR: Below are steps to mount an existing Google Persistent Disk to a pod in a GKE cluster in the same region. Most of the time I’d prefer to run stateless pods in Kubernetes clusters – they come, they go, as if nothing happened. When there are things to be persisted, a Persistent Volume…

  • Github Hosted Runners and Their Access to GCP VPC

    TL; DR: Given plenty of free time of Github hosted runners, I’m tempted to use it instead of running self-hosted ones in my GCP environment. Here are some options to grant network access to my GCP VPC. Prerequisites: Google Workload Identity Federation for Github Runners Option #1, grab the public IP of the runner on-the-fly…

  • How to Setup Google Workload Identity Federation for Github Actions Runners

    When using GHA(Github Actions) for CI/CD purposes, the Github-hosted runners are free unless you use it quite a lot. But if I want to use GHA to build a docker container image and save it to my private repository in Google Artifact Registry, I have to grant the permission to some VMs I don’t even…

  • Solved: Error 403: The caller does not have permission

    Recently I got a very confusing error when setting up a PubSub subscription to write to a Big Query table via terraform. Here’s the partial terraform code snippet: And the input variable subscriptions looks like: It doesn’t show any error when doing terraform plan however it gives 403 error when applying. After some googling I…

  • How to Connect to Cloud SQL via SSH

    TL;DR: here’s a handy bash script which can connect to a private Cloud SQL instance(MySQL in this case) via a bastion host. Prerequisites: Google Cloud SQL instance with mTLS certs provisioned Google Cloud SDK installed(the gcloud command) a bash shell(better be V5.0+) OpenSSH and MySQL CLI installed Google Cloud SQL is an RDB as a…

  • A Load Balancer for Cloud SQL Replicas

    TL;DR: As of Aug 2022, there’s no out of box load balancing for Google Cloud SQL read replicas. So I built one for MySQL replicas with HAProxy with the ability to dynamically reload when number of replicas has changed. It will be quite straight forward to run a few HAProxy pods in Kubernetes as a…