Solved: Python Telegram Bot Hangs
I’ve upgraded my Telegram game bot Word Squad to use the latest V21 Python Telegram Bot(PTB) framework, from a distant V13 which I built this bot with 2 years ago. Along the way I upgraded a few components too, such as Python 3.9 –> 3.12, redis 6 –> 7, etc. After I made all the…
A Free Unlimited Wordle Spinoff Running in Telegram
It’s been a while and this game I built is quite stable now. A few things about this game(I called it word squad): Feel free to join https://t.me/+nGN2rDrGBJExY2U1 for a spin or use the QR below: UPDATE: 6-letter games are now open, user /game6 to start one! 🙂
My Last Dota 2 Game
I started playing Dota 2 in 2014 because: It was a fun game Can run natively on Linux I picked it up again when the lock down started in 2020, and played quite a lot in the following months. Until I thought I have had enough Dota, because: The game was getting more complicated and…
Running Minecraft Server in Kubernetes Cluster
A month ago I had an idea to run a Minecraft server in my garage Kubernetes lab. I though it might interest my little Minecraft player at home with some Kubernetes and GitOps stuff but that failed miserably. But at least I knew how to host a Minecraft server in Kubernetes, with ArgoCD too. First…
Fedora 31, Optimus, Bumblebee and Steam
My laptop(XPS 15) has Nvidia 1050 Ti but I never used it to play games, because I replaced Windows 10 with Fedora Linux on the first day, not even a dual boot. I’ve tried Bumblebee to run Linux native games on Nvidia a few years ago but it wasn’t stable enough. After I upgraded the…
Install Nvidia 396 Driver for Ubuntu 18.04
Just some quick notes to upgrade Nvidia driver from 390 to 396 on Ubuntu 18.04. By default Ubuntu 18.04 only has Nvidia driver 390. # add ubuntu official ppa for nvidia# all commands below run as rootadd-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppaapt update# install 396 filesapt install nvidia-dkms-396 nvidia-driver-396 nvidia-compute-utils-396 libnvidia-compute-396# reboot at the end. After reboot, the new…
PS4 SSD Upgrade Made Easy With Linux
Even the latest PS4 Pro model comes with an HDD. I can’t remember when was last laptop shipped with HDD but I can imagine what an SSD upgrade brings to an old PS4. The only issue is, if I put the new SSD drive in straight away I’ll need to install the PS4 OS and…
又一个神作 The Last of Us
最近忙里偷闲, 一个月每次有空儿就玩上半小时一小时的, 终于把 The Last of Us 通关了. 不愧是屡获殊荣的神作, 以至于现在我觉得别的游戏不那么有意思了. 稍微总结一下, TLOU 的成功之处首先是有一个很赞的剧本. 角色扮演游戏和电影差不多都是在讲一个故事, 所以特效或者女主的颜值都是次要属性. 其次男主 Joel 并无神力, 遇到几个对手要是不打算智取的话那基本就性命堪忧了(或者你玩的是 easy). 所以以往看到僵尸就路见不平一声吼的习惯在这是格格不入的, 再说也没有经验值一说, 所以绕开一群僵尸在某些时候可能会带来更好的结果. 乱世的气氛营造的也非常好, 一方面城市的荒废让大自然”趁虚而入”, 另一方面社会已经崩溃, 人与人之间不再友善和信任. 各种消费品更是极端缺乏, 翻了半天只找到几发子弹对不对, 那如果不是”head shot”恐怕自己都觉得败家了. 敌对势力的 AI 做的也不错, 土匪甲会让土匪乙去抄你的侧翼. 最后就是 Joel 与 Ellie 之间从路人到类父女的关系进展, 也刻画的很赞. 🙂