Never Buy a Tesla, Part 2
I wrote the Never Buy a Tesla 4 years ago, which essentially a click-bait. I didn’t have any trouble with my car so I recommend it to my friends and a few of them bought a Tesla too. Not like a legit Tesla fan with a collection of Tesla swags and souvenirs, but I consider…
3 Years Later, How Is My PowerWall 2 Keeping Up?
TL; DR: I’ve installed my PowerWall 2 3 years ago. It wasn’t cheap but the quality is great too. There’s 0 issue so far and it helped a lot to “keep my lights on”. And if calculated using recent electricity rate, it has saved me $3,115 so it’s still a long way 🙂 Uptime: 100%…
Home Battery, Worth Buying?
During the lockdown days in 2020, I got A Tesla Powerwall 2 + Backup Gateway 2 combo installed by Natural Solar. The total cost was A$14,000. “Is it worth buying?” or “Would it pay for itself?” those were the question I got asked a lot. With a full year’s data from 2021, I think I…
Bill Shock: The Real Cost of Tesla Model 3 After 1 Year
VicRoads timely reminded me that it’s time to renew my Tesla Model 3’s registration(rego), so it’s been a year already. I think it might be interesting to calculate the real cost of owning a (Tesla) EV. I also put imaginary figures of my previous diesel BMW there for an unfair comparison. Tesla Model 3 Previous…
Real Life Cost of a Tesla Model 3
It’s been a bit more than 2 weeks since I got my Model 3 as a result of my impulse-buying, so as an end user I think I’m qualified to do some cost analysis and projection based on the first 1000km I’ve done with the car. Disclaimer: The following analysis is based on my calculation…
Never Buy a Tesla
I just got my Tesla Model 3 delivered last week and I’ve added a few hundreds of KMs to its odometer. Frankly it’s largely a disappointment and I’ll state my reasons here. First, it doesn’t have a ‘start engine’ or ‘ignition’ button at all! More to that, it doesn’t have an engine either, only electric…
一时冲动,入手特斯拉二代电墙(PowerWall 2)
特斯拉(Tesla)电墙二代(PowerWall2)已经上市一段时间了。我早就想装一个,因为家里太阳能发电系统已经用了很多年,省钱效果显著,但早晚高峰时段依旧要依赖电网,而家用电池系统可以弥补太阳能系统的这个缺点,用自家发的电供应早晚高峰家用。 但是获得老婆的赞同票相当不容易。 首先当然是钱!在猫本电墙2 + 备电网关 + 材料 + 人工要14k,这是我比较多家供应商后找到的最好价格。这不是个小数目。 虽然我用电磁炉取代了煤气炉,但是按照自家的用电规律,指望电墙在十年内把自己身价省出来是不现实的 自家所处位置电网还算稳定,一年停电一次两次而已,所以应付断电这个借口也很勉强 关键时刻还得感谢土澳总理,他不停的说,只有火电(烧煤/油/天然气)才能保证家里的灯能点亮。老婆对此很是反感,投资太阳能发电后家里从电网取电量下降了60%左右,再努力一下99%能源自己并不是很遥远的。而像我们一样在屋顶安装太阳能PV板的家庭已经很普遍,只是安装家用电池的还少。况且,感谢COVID这一年没花什么钱在旅游上,于是老婆同意了这笔花销! 然而,貌似和我们有一样想法的家庭还真不少,这是2020年11月的事情。我交了定金后被告知还要等至少二个月才能轮到安装。然后,在漫长的等待中,突然我接到电话说附近有一家取消了安装,所以那个名额可以转给我,幸福来的很突然,我也懒得去想为啥有人会取消安装。 安装日那天电工天刚亮就来了,午饭前完成安装。 由于安装位置会晒到下午的太阳,我用木材和遮阳布给电墙做了个罩子,感觉土洋结合的很好。电墙是不怕淋雨的,但高温肯定会折寿的。几周以后再看看我家用电报告,轻松拿到榜首 几点心得: 电墙二代充满后有13.5度电可用,一般保留10%应急后有12度电 所以除了连日阴雨,一般家庭基本可以自给自足的 虽然瞬间最大功率有7KW,但持续最大功率5KW,所以家里总功率避免超过5KW 如果白天因为阴雨充电不足,只要“熬”过晚高峰,即使用电网的电也是相对便宜的 保证电墙联网,否则特斯拉会缩短质保期 🙂