How to Use the Sidecar Resource to Optimise Memory Footprint of Istio Sidecar

In a populous GKE cluster, I saw the memory utilisation getting very high. After some investigation, to my surprise, a great deal of memory was consumed by tiny Istio sidecars. And they are getting bloated round the clock.

$ k top pod <pod-name> --containers
POD                           NAME                    CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
api-client-7b9889c7d8-6lrqk   istio-proxy             6m           540Mi
api-client-7b9889c7d8-6lrqk   api-client              4m           185Mi

The Istio sidecar essentially is an envoy proxy configured by Istio controller – istiod. It’s usually light-weight, like 50MB of memory but how does this happen? After some research I googled this article which exactly answered my question. So in a nut shell there are probably too many sidecars in this cluster, and each of them was configured to cache service mesh entries for every other sidecar in the mesh.

To my curiosity, I counted all istio-proxy containers in the cluster like this:

$ k get pods -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.spec.containers[*].name}{"\n"}{end}'|rg istio-proxy -c

So basically we’re paying for around 831GB of memory just because the sidecars got fat…

According to the Istio doc, there’s a way to let envoy only cache whitelisted hosts, eg.

kind: Sidecar
  name: default # this is the default for the namespace
  namespace: this-namespace
  - hosts:
    - "app-namespace/"
    - "istio-system/*" # this is for egress traffic

It will be a tedious job to whitelist all hosts for all sidecars without knowing how the mesh is configured. So here comes Kiali to the rescue. With Kiali it’s easy to visualise the mesh and know exactly which apps your app needs to access. For a more fine-grained configuration for each app, if there are multiple apps sharing a namespace, such as:

kind: Sidecar
  name: my-app
  namespace: this-namespace
      app: my-app
  - hosts:
    - "app-namespace/"
    - "istio-system/*" # this is for egress traffic

After these Sidecars are deployed, it is a huge relief to see 700+GB of memory were release 🙂
