Tag: istio

  • How to Upgrade Istio the Git-Ops Way

    Istio 1.17 has been running really well in my Garage Kubernetes lab, but I thought it’s time to give it an upgrade. It was installed and configured using istioctl utility last time when I bootstrapped the cluster. Since I’ve automated a lot of Kubernetes resources using ArgoCD I would like to upgrade Istio the git-ops…

  • How to Enable Compression in Istio Ingress Gateway

    TL; DR: here’s a code snippet to turn on gzip compression for Istio’s ingress gateway, using Envoy filter. Tested with Istio 1.16 and Kubernetes 1.26. To test it with curl: 🙂

  • How to Use the Sidecar Resource to Optimise Memory Footprint of Istio Sidecar

    In a populous GKE cluster, I saw the memory utilisation getting very high. After some investigation, to my surprise, a great deal of memory was consumed by tiny Istio sidecars. And they are getting bloated round the clock. The Istio sidecar essentially is an envoy proxy configured by Istio controller – istiod. It’s usually light-weight,…

  • How to Regulate Egress Access in Kubernetes with Istio

    Usually I don’t mind to give pods unlimited egress access, ie. the pods I deployed can access the whole internet if it needs to. However when the pods take input from users it’s a whole different story. For example, running some sandbox applications such as an online Python learning environment, the workload can be abused…

  • An Canary Upgrade of Istio 1.9 to 1.11

    Prerequisites: full Admin access to a Kubernetes cluster, which has an older version of Istio installed. A while ago I decided to try Istio in my garage Kubernetes lab, and replaced ingress-nginx with istio-ingressgateway. At the time being I installed Istio 1.9.4, the latest release is already 1.11.4. To avoid being left in the deprecated…

  • Run ArgoCD with Istio Service Mesh in a Kubernetes Cluster

    It’s been quite a while since I installed Flux CD V2 in my garage Kubernetes lab, as there’s a lot of debate going on between Flux and ArgoCD I decided to give ArgoCD a go. The other reason to try ArgoCD is that it supports Jsonnet. By default installation, ArgoCD will use self-signed TLS certificate…

  • Kubernetes Jobs and Istio

    Note: the Job in the title refers to the Job resource in a Kubernetes cluster. At the time the Istio sidecar doesn’t play well with a Job or a Cronjob, because the istio-proxy might not be ready when the Job starts (which causes connection issues for the job) and won’t exit after the job finishes…

  • TLS Full Site Encryption with Istio and Let’s Encrypt

    These are steps to easily install TLS certs to a Kubernetes cluster with Istio service mesh as ingress controller, provided by Let’s Encrypt‘s awesome certbot. Installation of the certbot (on Ubuntu Linux 20.04LTS) The certbot can be install via snap on Ubuntu Linux By default certbot needs to write to system directories which I thought…