Tag: kubernetes

  • Run ArgoCD with Istio Service Mesh in a Kubernetes Cluster

    It’s been quite a while since I installed Flux CD V2 in my garage Kubernetes lab, as there’s a lot of debate going on between Flux and ArgoCD I decided to give ArgoCD a go. The other reason to try ArgoCD is that it supports Jsonnet. By default installation, ArgoCD will use self-signed TLS certificate…

  • Kubernetes Jobs and Istio

    Note: the Job in the title refers to the Job resource in a Kubernetes cluster. At the time the Istio sidecar doesn’t play well with a Job or a Cronjob, because the istio-proxy might not be ready when the Job starts (which causes connection issues for the job) and won’t exit after the job finishes…

  • Combine GitHub Actions with FluxCD

    I started my hobby project SausLink( a tinyURL like URL shortener ) a while ago, as it was really boring during covid lockdowns. The web app itself isn’t anything cutting-edge but I intended to implement full git-ops for this project. For the CI pipeline, I chose GitHub Actions because it’s easy and also free for…

  • Use Variables with Kustomize, Part 2

    I was looking at the Kustomize variable trick I did a year ago and I think I’ve learned some new tricks worth noting down. Variables are very handy most of the times, here’s a pattern to define a variable to be used in Kustomize templates and set its value via annotations. There you have it:…

  • Automate SSL/TLS Certificates for Kubernetes and Istio with Cert Manager

    It’s been a lot easier nowadays to turn on full site SSL/TLS encryption with an ACME issuer such as the popular non-profit Let’s Encrypt which I’ve started using it a few months ago. However the free certificates from Let’s Encrypt are only valid for 90 days and I have been notified to renew them already.…

  • Grant a Service Account an IAM Role in AWS/GCP

    How to grant a pod running in a Kubernetes cluster necessary permissions to access cloud resources such as S3 buckets? The most straight forward approach is to save some API key in the pod and use it to authenticate against cloud APIs. If the cluster is running inside the cloud, an IAM role can then…

  • TLS Full Site Encryption with Istio and Let’s Encrypt

    These are steps to easily install TLS certs to a Kubernetes cluster with Istio service mesh as ingress controller, provided by Let’s Encrypt‘s awesome certbot. Installation of the certbot (on Ubuntu Linux 20.04LTS) The certbot can be install via snap on Ubuntu Linux By default certbot needs to write to system directories which I thought…

  • A Kubernetes ClusterSecret

    No, at this moment ClusterSecret, unlike ClusterRole, doesn’t officially exist in any version of Kubernetes yet. I’ve seen some discussion like this, so looks like it will be a while to have a ClusterSecret. But why do I need a ClusterSecret in the first place? The reason is very simple: To be DRY. Imagine I…