Tag: kubernetes

  • An Canary Upgrade of Istio 1.9 to 1.11

    Prerequisites: full Admin access to a Kubernetes cluster, which has an older version of Istio installed. A while ago I decided to try Istio in my garage Kubernetes lab, and replaced ingress-nginx with istio-ingressgateway. At the time being I installed Istio 1.9.4, the latest release is already 1.11.4. To avoid being left in the deprecated…

  • Running Minecraft Server in Kubernetes Cluster

    A month ago I had an idea to run a Minecraft server in my garage Kubernetes lab. I though it might interest my little Minecraft player at home with some Kubernetes and GitOps stuff but that failed miserably. But at least I knew how to host a Minecraft server in Kubernetes, with ArgoCD too. First…

  • ArgoCD, Jsonnet and Tanka

    Ever since I’ve installed ArgoCD in my garage Kubernetes lab, I wanted to make Tanka work with ArgoCD, so that I can do GitOps with Jsonnet, in addition to YAML, kustomize and helm charts. I was hugely inspired by(read: copied and pasted from) this blog post. Here are the steps I made Tanka worked as…

  • Sideloader: An InitContainer to Sideload Stuff to Your Main Container

    After having played with ArgoCD for a few days, I came cross a blog post on how to get Grafana Tanka to work with ArgoCD. I like the idea to have Tanka as a plugin of ArgoCD, because: The main ArgoCD docker image doesn’t get bloated by all those binaries we want to use with…

  • Run ArgoCD with Istio Service Mesh in a Kubernetes Cluster

    It’s been quite a while since I installed Flux CD V2 in my garage Kubernetes lab, as there’s a lot of debate going on between Flux and ArgoCD I decided to give ArgoCD a go. The other reason to try ArgoCD is that it supports Jsonnet. By default installation, ArgoCD will use self-signed TLS certificate…

  • Kubernetes Jobs and Istio

    Note: the Job in the title refers to the Job resource in a Kubernetes cluster. At the time the Istio sidecar doesn’t play well with a Job or a Cronjob, because the istio-proxy might not be ready when the Job starts (which causes connection issues for the job) and won’t exit after the job finishes…

  • Combine GitHub Actions with FluxCD

    I started my hobby project SausLink( a tinyURL like URL shortener ) a while ago, as it was really boring during covid lockdowns. The web app itself isn’t anything cutting-edge but I intended to implement full git-ops for this project. For the CI pipeline, I chose GitHub Actions because it’s easy and also free for…

  • Use Variables with Kustomize, Part 2

    I was looking at the Kustomize variable trick I did a year ago and I think I’ve learned some new tricks worth noting down. Variables are very handy most of the times, here’s a pattern to define a variable to be used in Kustomize templates and set its value via annotations. There you have it:…