Better Resilience for Kubernetes Pods
I happened to notice that all 3 pods serving this blog in my Kubernetes cluster were allocated to a same node. I thought Kubernetes will try its best to shuffle pods of a deployment into different nodes by default but guess I expected too much. Note the knode3 below Have you spotted the problem? In…
How to Regulate Egress Access in Kubernetes with Istio
Usually I don’t mind to give pods unlimited egress access, ie. the pods I deployed can access the whole internet if it needs to. However when the pods take input from users it’s a whole different story. For example, running some sandbox applications such as an online Python learning environment, the workload can be abused…
Some Tips for CKA Exams
I’ve passed my CKA exam on my first attempt, it’s not hard because it’s the entry level certificate for Kubernetes but still a good preparation is necessary even for someone already experienced in Kubernetes. First of all, the exam is fully hands-on: every question requires a set of commands done in a terminal provided in…
Deploy the Loki Stack in a Kubernetes Cluster with ArgoCD
Loki and Promtail from Grafana Labs are new kids in the observability community. Are they good enough to replace Elasticsearch and Logstash? I would like to see. Here’s a sample ArgoCD Application to deploy Loki, Promtail, Prometheus and Grafana all from 1 Helm chart: grafana/loki-stack. Some settings of my installations are: loki, grafana and prometheus…
Fixed CoreDNS High CPU Issue in a Kubernetes Cluster
There was a Grafana alert saying that CPU usage was quite high on the master node of my garage Kubernetes cluster. I was watching a movie so I didn’t jump into this right away 🙂 I had a look at the master node today and this is how I fixed this issue. With the good…
An Canary Upgrade of Istio 1.9 to 1.11
Prerequisites: full Admin access to a Kubernetes cluster, which has an older version of Istio installed. A while ago I decided to try Istio in my garage Kubernetes lab, and replaced ingress-nginx with istio-ingressgateway. At the time being I installed Istio 1.9.4, the latest release is already 1.11.4. To avoid being left in the deprecated…
Running Minecraft Server in Kubernetes Cluster
A month ago I had an idea to run a Minecraft server in my garage Kubernetes lab. I though it might interest my little Minecraft player at home with some Kubernetes and GitOps stuff but that failed miserably. But at least I knew how to host a Minecraft server in Kubernetes, with ArgoCD too. First…
ArgoCD, Jsonnet and Tanka
Ever since I’ve installed ArgoCD in my garage Kubernetes lab, I wanted to make Tanka work with ArgoCD, so that I can do GitOps with Jsonnet, in addition to YAML, kustomize and helm charts. I was hugely inspired by(read: copied and pasted from) this blog post. Here are the steps I made Tanka worked as…