I started my hobby project SausLink( a tinyURL like URL shortener ) a while ago, as it was really boring during covid lockdowns. The web app itself isn’t anything cutting-edge but I intended to implement full git-ops for this project.
For the CI pipeline, I chose GitHub Actions because it’s easy and also free for open source projects( for a limited builds per day ). The pipeline will be triggered by pushing to dev
branch and will build a docker image and then tag it with a GitHub Actions job number. The last step will update the kustomize patch file to refer to the latest tag.
Here’s the pipeline definition along with my comments
# this is .github/workflows/dev.yaml name: Build the dev image on: push: branches: [ dev ] pull_request: branches: [ dev ] jobs: build: runs-on: [ ubuntu-20.04 ] steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # save a tag like dev-123 to environment variable called build_number - name: build number run: | echo "build_number=dev-${GITHUB_RUN_ID}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # build the docker image and tag it with build_number - name: Docker build saus-gunicorn run: | docker build -t ghcr.io/raynix/saus:$build_number . # login to ghcr.io and push the docker image - name: Docker push run: | echo ${{ secrets.GHCR_PAT }} | docker login ghcr.io -u $GITHUB_ACTOR --password-stdin docker push ghcr.io/raynix/saus:$build_number # update the kustomize patch to use the latest tag, using sed command and regex capture - name: Update deployment version run: | sed -i -E "s|(image: ghcr.io/raynix/saus:).*|\1$build_number|g" .kustomize/dev.sausl.ink/patch.yaml # add an auto commit with the updated patch file, so the FluxCD can pick it up and deploy with the latest tag - name: Auto commit & push changes run: | git config --global user.name 'raynix Bot' git config --global user.email 'raynix@gmail.com' git commit -am "Automated commit" git push
At the CD pipeline run by FluxCD v2, a Kustomization resource is defined as follow
--- # this is the definition of the git repo where the kustomize templates are located apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1 kind: GitRepository metadata: name: saus-dev namespace: flux-system spec: interval: 4m0s # check the repo every 4 minutes, don't be greedy ref: branch: dev # fixed to dev branch for dev environment url: https://github.com/raynix/saus.git --- # this is the kustomization definition apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization metadata: name: saus-dev namespace: flux-system spec: healthChecks: - kind: Deployment name: saus namespace: saus-dev interval: 4m0s # reconcile the deployment every 4 minutes path: .kustomize/dev.sausl.ink # directory where the main kustomization.yaml resides in prune: true sourceRef: kind: GitRepository name: saus-dev timeout: 2m0s validation: client force: true # force to re-deploy objects which have immutable fields such as jobs
For more FluxCD experiments please see my previous post here. The SausLink’s source code is here. Feel free to fork it and host your own URL shortener 🙂