TL; DR: Given plenty of free time of Github hosted runners, I’m tempted to use it instead of running self-hosted ones in my GCP environment. Here are some options to grant network access to my GCP VPC.
Prerequisites: Google Workload Identity Federation for Github Runners
Option #1, grab the public IP of the runner on-the-fly and grant/revoke access using Google’s firewall rules.
jobs: ssh-test: runs-on: [ ubuntu-latest ] permissions: contents: 'read' id-token: 'write' steps: # prerequisite steps here - name: Temporary firewall rule run: | RUNNER_IP=$(curl -s |jq -r '.origin') gcloud compute firewall-rules create gha-runner-to-bastion \ --allow=tcp:22 \ --source-ranges="$RUNNER_IP/32" \ --description="Allowing the GH runner to access to bastion" \ --project=my-gcp-project \ --network=my-gcp-vpc \ - name: SSH Setup id: ssh_setup run: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh echo "$SSH_PK" > ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine chmod 600 ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine > ~/.ssh/ read instance_name instance_zone <<<$(gcloud compute instances list --format "value(name,zone)" |head -n1) echo "BASTION=${instance_name}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "ZONE=${instance_zone}" >> $GITHUB_ENV env: SSH_PK : ${{secrets.SSH_PK}} # steps to do ssh stuff here - name: Clean up run: | gcloud compute firewall-rules delete gha-runner-to-bastion \ --project=my-gcp-project --quiet
Option #2, use Google IAP(Identity Aware Proxy) tunnel, which I think it’s better
jobs: ssh-test: runs-on: [ ubuntu-latest ] permissions: contents: 'read' id-token: 'write' steps: # prerequisite steps here including the SSH setup step - name: Open IAP run: | CLOUDSQL_PORT=3306 # SSH Tunneling... gcloud compute ssh ${BASTION} --zone=${ZONE} --ssh-key-file=~/.ssh/google_compute_engine -- \ -fN -L "1$CLOUDSQL_PORT:$CLOUDSQL_HOST:$CLOUDSQL_PORT" \ -M -S bastion-socket \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no # do stuff with the SSH tunnel here - name: Close IAP run: | gcloud compute ssh ${BASTION} --zone=${ZONE} -- \ -S bastion-socket -O exit