Rebuild a Kubernetes Node Without Downtime
When I built the in-house Kubernetes cluster with Raspberry PIs, I followed the kubeadm instructions and installed Raspberry PI OS on the PIs. It was all good except the RPI OS is 32-bit. Now I want to install a Ubuntu 20.04 Server ARM64 on this PI, below are steps with which I rebuilt the node…
Renew Certificates Used in Kubeadm Kubernetes Cluster
It’s been more than a year since I built my Kubernetes cluster with some Raspberry PIs. There was a few times that I need to power down everything to let electricians do their work and the cluster came back online and seemed to be Ok afterwards, given that I didn’t shutdown the PIs properly at…
Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 3
Continue from part 2, this is mostly about installing ingress controller. In short, an ingress controller is like a single entry point for all ingress connections into the cluster. The reason I chose Flannel over other CNIs is that it’s lightweight and not bloated with features. I would like to keep the Pi 4s easy…
Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 2
Continue from part 1 It’s recommended to change all Pi’s password also run ssh-copy-id pi@192.168.1.x to enable SSH public key login. There are lots of steps to prepare before kubeadm is installed, so I made this ansible repository to simplify this repeating process. Please see here. The ansible role will do the following tasks: set…
Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 1
I mostly followed/was inspired by this tutorial but with some tweak/fix to recent(Sep 2019) software versions. Also this is a pure Linux walk-through as I don’t use a Mac. I planned to build a home Kubernetes(k8s) cluster and migrate home servers including the one this blog is running on to the k8s cluster, for a…
Enclave MK III(Raspberry Pi + OpenELEC)
距离上次 Enclave MK II 的完成已经两年多了… 前些天测试了一下 Raspberry Pi, 我发现这小东西居然可以胜任 1080P 解码. 看来可以考虑让 MK II 退休了. 下面是我用 Pi 搭建媒体中心的(简要)步骤: 首先是准备一张 SD 卡, 貌似没有什么容量要求, 不过还是大一点吧. 要安装的系统是 OpenELEC. 下载其为 Pi 编译的专用版本, 然后按照这里的详细步骤来写镜像到 SD 卡. 顺便赞一下 OpenELEC 团队, wiki 里面同时照顾 Linux, OSX 和 Windows 用户. 之后把写好的 SD 卡插到 Pi 上, 连上网线, HDMI, USB(包括供电, 键盘, 外接硬盘. 我把供电和外接硬盘合二为一了), 就可以准备开机了. 见到 XBMC…
少年 Raspberry 派
总算等到 Raspberry Pi(下简称 Pi) 到手这一天了. 他们是饥饿营销还是真的供不应求了? 不过顾不得那些了, 还是先把这小东西跑起来吧. 需要的零件如下: 一张 SD 卡, 最小 2GB, 越大越好了. 电源适配器, 最小 5V 1A 的, 如果外挂硬盘的话, 就需要 5V 2A 的了. 接口可以是 microUSB 也可以是普通的 USB 2.0(需 Pi 版本>1.0) 有 HDMI 输入的显示器或者电视. Pi 也支持 RCA, 不过我没试. USB 键盘 网线以及网络连接 首先从 Pi 老家下载系统镜像, 地址在 http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads , 一般推荐基于 Debian Wheezy 的 Raspbian 镜像. 将下载文件展开后,…