Tag: Debian

  • Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 3

    Continue from part 2, this is mostly about installing ingress controller. In short, an ingress controller is like a single entry point for all ingress connections into the cluster. The reason I chose Flannel over other CNIs is that it’s lightweight and not bloated with features. I would like to keep the Pi 4s easy…

  • Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 2

    Continue from part 1 It’s recommended to change all Pi’s password also run ssh-copy-id pi@192.168.1.x to enable SSH public key login. There are lots of steps to prepare before kubeadm is installed, so I made this ansible repository to simplify this repeating process. Please see here. The ansible role will do the following tasks: set…

  • Kubernetes at Home on Raspberry Pi 4, Part 1

    I mostly followed/was inspired by this tutorial but with some tweak/fix to recent(Sep 2019) software versions. Also this is a pure Linux walk-through as I don’t use a Mac. I planned to build a home Kubernetes(k8s) cluster and migrate home servers including the one this blog is running on to the k8s cluster, for a…

  • 在 Debian 6 上安装 GroundWork

    GroundWork 是很漂亮的 Nagios 前端, 并增加了很多易用的功能(单纯的配置 Nagios 很头疼对吧). 而且根据目前 GW 的销售方式, 管理50台设备以下的情况可以免费试用, 提供 Email 即可: http://www.gwos.com/downloads/core/ 在 Debian 6 上安装 GW 时还是有些小问题, 就是 PostgreSQL 提示SHMMAX (最大共享内存?)值不够大. 按照如下方式调整一下, 即可安装: sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=2147483648 sysctl -w kernel.shmall=524288 sysctl -p 第一次运行会提示要求输入 License, 如果之前提交了 Email 地址的话应该已经收到了, 抄过来就可以了. 另外 check_icmp 这个命令有时候会出现”setuid or root”一类的问题导致误报. 按照如下方法可修复. chown root:nagios check_icmp chmod 4750 check_icmp 尚未没发现其它问题. 😀

  • Xen 4.0 Hypervisor with LVM on Debian 6 Squeeze

    这篇用不用中文都是差不多了, 索性用英文了. Xen 是VM(虚拟机)的一种, 现在很多商用 VPS 服务商就是使用基于 Xen, 或者 OpenVZ 技术在一台物理上的服务器上同时运行多个VM的. 1, Install Debian 6 Squeeze This step will be the easiest. Just to remember to use LVM when partitioning and leave enough unused(un-partitioned) disk space for later use. If your system has >= 4GB of memory, choose AMD64 architecture. Reference to LVM: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/410 2,…