Category: Free software

  • Using Sealed Secrets in a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster

    Sealed Secrets is a bitnami Kubernetes operator aimed to one-way encrypt secrets into sealed secrets so that they can be safely checked-in into GitHub or other VCS. It’s rather easy to install and use Sealed Secrets in a Kubernetes cluster on AMD64 architecture, but not so on my Raspberry Pi cluster. First, the container image…

  • Customize the Kustomize for Kubernetes CRDs

    I’ve introduced Kustomize in this earlier post, now I feel even happier because Kustomize can be even more customized for some CRDs(Custom Resource Definition). For instance, Kustomize doesn’t know how to handle Istio’s VirtualService object, but with some simple YAML style configurations it ‘learns’ to handle that easily. So in name-reference.yaml, kustomize will learn the…

  • Use fzf to Supercharge Your kubectl Command

    First let’s have a look at fzf, a super fast command line fuzzy finder. It’s mostly written in golang and there are so many ways to use it. In this note, I’ll just use it to select a value from a list in a terminal and then return it to next command. When working with…

  • Golang and Docker Multi-Stage Build MK2

    In my previous post I used Docker multi stage technique to build a Docker container image which only has the golang executable in a tiny Alpine Linux base image. I’ll go further to use the scratch base image which has basically nothing. Here’s the Dockerfile I tested on my own project, I’ve also added comments…

  • Deploying WordPress to Kubernetes with Kustomize

    I’ve just migrated this blog site itself into the kubernetes cluster I built with Raspberry Pi 4s, and this post is about the steps and approach I used to achieve this goal. Yes, what you have been reading is served by 1 of the Raspberry Pi boards. First of all, a bit introduction on kustomize:…

  • Golang and Docker Multi-Stage Build

    I have noticed a common pattern amonst some new utilities such as kubectl, kops and terraform: There’s only 1 single executable file to install, and by ‘install’ it can be put anywhere as long as it’s in $PATH. This was before I learned some Golang but it’s easy to find out that the reason behind…

  • Working with a Big Corporation

    So it’s been a while since I started this job in a big corporation. I always enjoy new challenges, now my wish got granted. Not in a very good way. The things work in a quite different manner here. There are big silos and layers between teams and departments, so the challenges here are not…

  • Run Fedora 29 on Dell XPS 15 9570

    Here’s a list of things to do to get Fedora 29 running optimally on Dell XPS 15 9570: First, disable Secure Boot with the stock Windows 10 and in BIOS otherwise Fedora installer on a USB stick won’t boot. I still don’t really see the necessity to have this Secure Boot, except to buy more…