Category: Free software

  • Fixed tracker-store’s CPU hogging issue on Arch Linux

    I think it’s since when I updated Arch Linux a while ago the tracker-storeprocess has become CPU-hogging and it can drain the battery pretty quickly and turn my laptop into a heater. Obviously there are people experiencing this issue already, but most of them that I found were trying to disable the Gnome tracker. I’d…

  • Command Line Recording Goes SVG

    Term To SVG is lovely little utility to record a terminal session into a .svg animation. And below is a recording of how I installed termtosvg myself on Arch Linux.

  • Playing with Kubernetes Ingress Controller

    It’s very very easy to use Kubernetes(K8s) to provision an external service with AWS ELB, there’s one catch though(at least for now in 2018). AWS ELB is usually used with an auto scaling group and a launch configuration. However with K8s, EC2 instances won’t get spun directly, only pods will, which is call Horizontal Scaling.…

  • Don’t Need Ngrok When I Have SSH

    I was trying to create a Slack app. In order to let Slack send REST requests to my dev environment, eg. http://localhost:9000, I searched a bit and saw ngrok. Ngrok is very handy for this kind of setup: Slack -> -> localhost However I just don’t want to install anything so I turned to…

  • Kubernetes Log Aggregation with Filebeat and Logstash

    Following last blog, Filebeat is very easy to setup however it doesn’t do log pattern matching, guess I’ll need Logstash after all. First is to install Logstash of course. To tell Filebeat to feed to Logstash instead of Elasticsearch is straightforward, here’s some configuration snippets: Filebeat K8s configMap: — apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name:…

  • Kubernetes Cluster Log Aggregation with Filebeat

    Finally the Kubernetes cluster I was working on went live, and I didn’t provide a log aggregation solution yet. I had a look at dynaTrace, which is a paid SaaS. However it requires to install some agent in every container. It’s fun when there’s only several to play with but I wouldn’t rebuild dozens of…

  • Time Machine for Arch Linux

    I’ve been using Arch Linux for some years, and it’s still my favorite Linux distribution. The feature that distinguished Arch from others is its rolling release which means there’s no such a thing called version in Arch. Using latest packages in Arch is the norm. However living on the edge means it’s not quite safe.…

  • Get access to a container in Kubernetes cluster

    With Kubernetes(K8s), there’s no need to do ssh user@host anymore since everything is running as containers. There are still occasions when I need shell access to a container to do some troubleshooting. With Docker I can do It’s quite similar in K8s However in K8s containers have random IDs so I need to know the…