Author: admin

  • How Much Did I Pay for Electricity, Petrol and Gas in 2023?

    Am I one of those minimalists? No. The secret is, I paid 0 for petrol and gas – I have no need of them since I fully electrified my home. Here are the milestones of my journey to full electrification: I suspended my gas account in May 2023 and the process costed me $88. With…

  • A GKE Issue: Metadata Service Is Unreachable In Nodes

    Recently I encountered some errors in a GKE cluster where a lot of pods were stuck at crash loop backoff state, which means the pods couldn’t recover on their own. When taking a closer look, I saw errors like: It’s a DNS issue then. However when I created a pod and ran some DNS tests…

  • ArgoCD, Jsonnet and Tanka in 2024

    A few years ago, I got to know Jsonnet and I loved it at first sight. I used a nice little tool called tanka to manage my Jsonnet manifests and I got them working together with ArgoCD, and finally I re-deployed my blog using this combo. Everything worked like a charm, until… Recently I upgraded…

  • How to Enable Compression in Istio Ingress Gateway

    TL; DR: here’s a code snippet to turn on gzip compression for Istio’s ingress gateway, using Envoy filter. Tested with Istio 1.16 and Kubernetes 1.26. To test it with curl: 🙂

  • 3 Years Later, How Is My PowerWall 2 Keeping Up?

    TL; DR: I’ve installed my PowerWall 2 3 years ago. It wasn’t cheap but the quality is great too. There’s 0 issue so far and it helped a lot to “keep my lights on”. And if calculated using recent electricity rate, it has saved me $3,115 so it’s still a long way 🙂 Uptime: 100%…

  • How to Mount an Existing Google Persistent Disk to a Pod in GKE

    TL; DR: Below are steps to mount an existing Google Persistent Disk to a pod in a GKE cluster in the same region. Most of the time I’d prefer to run stateless pods in Kubernetes clusters – they come, they go, as if nothing happened. When there are things to be persisted, a Persistent Volume…

  • How to Run Tableau Server in GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine)

    TL; DR: here are my notes to host a fully working Tableau Server in a GKE cluster. It’s not fully Kubernetes native but still I think it’s better than running as a VM. This is correct as of Dec 2023. The Docker Container Image There doesn’t seem to have an official docker image for Tableau…

  • Github Hosted Runners and Their Access to GCP VPC

    TL; DR: Given plenty of free time of Github hosted runners, I’m tempted to use it instead of running self-hosted ones in my GCP environment. Here are some options to grant network access to my GCP VPC. Prerequisites: Google Workload Identity Federation for Github Runners Option #1, grab the public IP of the runner on-the-fly…