Author: admin

  • Kubernetes and GitOps with Flux CD V2.0

    GitOps could be the next big thing in cloud automation so I’d give it a try with my in house hybrid Kubernetes cluster. I was recommended to try Flux CD and there’s a good reference project initiated by my colleage: k8s-gitops. However, in order to fully understand how to use Flux CD, I chose to…

  • Google Nest Wifi: A Speaker With Mesh Wifi

    I have been using a NetGear Nighthawk R7000 for many years, time for an upgrade. The Google Nest Wifi is very easy to setup, only need to connect the Nest Wifi router to existing router/modem and the rest can be done on a phone with Google Home app. Here are some good stuff I got…

  • Build Multi-arch Docker Images on Ubuntu Linux

    Since I’ve made my Raspberry PI Kubernetes cluster hybrid, now I have good reasons to build multi-arch(which means multi CPU architecture) Docker images so I don’t care if my pod is deployed to a Raspberry PI node or a X86 node. I followed a lot of instructions from this guide and finally made it work…

  • Hybrid Kubernetes Cluster (X86 + ARM)

    The one in the picture was my old laptop, then my daughter’s for a few years. Now she got a nice new 2-in-1 ultra book the school asked us parents to buy, this clunky one was gathering dust on shelves. I tried to sell it but got no one’s attention despite it has got i7…

  • 电磁炉

    最近在家闲着没事我就把旧的天然气炉子换成了电磁炉,然后我立刻就后悔了,为啥才想起来换电磁炉呢?下面简单对比一下燃气炉灶和电磁炉灶的优缺点供朋友们参考。 燃气炉灶(天然气/煤气)优点:– 火力可以开到很大– 可以使用超大尺码的锅– 可以颠大勺,很帅很专业– 对炊具材质没有要求,可以用钢锅也可以用砂锅缺点:– 使用燃气带来的危险是很多的,燃气泄漏可能会致命(一定要买有熄火保护的炉灶)– 正常使用时的明火温度在1000到2000摄氏度,有烧伤烫伤的危险– 抽油烟机必须给力,室内通风要好,否则有二氧化碳中毒的危险– 热效率低,因为大量的热气并没有被锅吸收,直接跑掉了– 火力不宜控制,高峰时段气压可能降低导致火力下降– 脏,锅底和灶台都被炭黑覆盖了– 而且不容易清洗– 碳排放,加速气候变化。十年后可能什么事都没有也可能恶劣天气成为日常 电磁炉优点:– 干净,没有炭黑,不锈钢炊具用过之后也是崭新的样子– 超级容易清洁,其实就是一大块钢化玻璃– 没有尾气,除非做油烟很大的炒菜基本不需要通风– 热效率超高(90%左右),因为热量是直接在锅底产生的,开启后瞬间锅就热了– 没有明火,最高温度在300摄氏度以下– 多数有空载保护,锅烧干或者被拿走以后电磁炉会自动关闭– 除了锅和接触锅底的部分玻璃表面,其它部分都不会热– 火力完全可控,可以多达20档,而且稳定– 定时器,计时器都很方便– 如果家里有太阳能发电系统,可以抵消部分烹饪消耗的电力– 即便家里没有太阳能,随着电网内可再生能源(风/太阳能)的比例逐年增高,还是有利于环保的缺点:– 必须搭配铁/钢质炊具,合金平锅或者砂锅是不能在电磁炉上用的– 一般不支持直径超过30厘米的锅– 没法颠大勺,因为锅离开电磁炉表面后就得不到能量。电磁炉因为空载会关闭 对我来说,电磁炉对比燃气炉是个很大的进步。你觉得呢? 🙂

  • Renew Certificates Used in Kubeadm Kubernetes Cluster

    It’s been more than a year since I built my Kubernetes cluster with some Raspberry PIs. There was a few times that I need to power down everything to let electricians do their work and the cluster came back online and seemed to be Ok afterwards, given that I didn’t shutdown the PIs properly at…

  • Use Fluentd and Elasticsearch to Analyse Squid Proxy Traffic

    TL;DR This is a quick guide to set up Fluentd + Elasticsearch integration to analyse Squid Proxy traffic. In the example below Fluentd td-agent is installed in the same host as Squid Proxy and Elasticsearch is installed in the other host. The OS is Ubuntu 20.04. Useful links:– Fluentd installation:– Elasticsearch installation: The…

  • Use Variables in Kustomize

    Variables in Kustomize are handy helpers from time to time, with these variables I can link some settings together which should share the same value all the time. Without variable I probably need to use some template engine like Jinja2 to do the same trick. Some examples here. In my case, there’s a bug in…