TL;DR: Instead of the official installation including setting up Ruby, nginx, systemd service, etc., I found it more comfortable to install and run a Mastodon instance using some YAML files.
Just in case, what is Mastodon anyway?
I used kustomize
to manage and generate Kubernetes manifests for a fully functional Mastodon instance. Please see my kustomize base templates, and then my overrides to get an idea. The secret mastodon
with some credentials aren’t there of course but it looks like:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: mastodon type: Opaque stringData: # postgres DB_HOST: DB_NAME: mastodon DB_PASS: changeme DB_PORT: 5432 DB_USER: mastodon # elasticsearch ES_ENABLED: "true" ES_HOST: ES_PORT: 9200 # domain name LOCAL_DOMAIN: # redis service name REDIS_HOST: mastodon-redis REDIS_PORT: 6379 # email SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS: SMTP_PORT: 25 SMTP_SERVER: # secrets OTP_SECRET: generate-yours SECRET_KEY_BASE: generate-yours VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY: generate-yours VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY: generate-yours
Please see this on how to generate application secrets used above. Also, I couldn’t be bothered with writing the typical setup for postgres and elasticsearch.
Please feel free to message me @raynix once your Mastodon instance is up and running 🙂