Nicer Deployment with Kubernetes

The default strategy to do rolling update in a Kubernetes deployment is to reduce the capacity of current replica set and then add the capacity to the new replica set. This probably means total processing power for the app could be hindered a bit during the deployment.

I’m a bit surprised to find that the default strategy works this way. But luckily it’s not hard to fine tune this. According to the doc here: only a few lines is needed to change the strategy:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: my-deploy
namespace: my-project
maxUnavailable: 0
maxSurge: 40%
revisionHistoryLimit: 3

By maxUnavailable: 0 this means the total capacity of the deployment will not be reduced. and maxSurge: 40% means new replica can reach 40% of the capacity of the current replica set, before the current one become the old one and drained.

Not a big improvement but revisionHistoryLimit: 3 will only keep 3 replica sets for purpose to roll back a deployment. The default for this is unlimited, which is quite over provisioned, from my point of view.

