Indexes for Structured Logs in Google Cloud

TL; DR: Google Cloud accepts structured logs ingested from different sources but will not index fields automatically. So by default the ingested jsonPayload will not be optimised for query. Here’s how to add indexes to it using Terraform.

resource "google_logging_project_bucket_config" "default" {
  count = var.destination.type == "logging_bucket" ? 1 : 0

  project        = var.project
  location       = "global"
  retention_days = try(var.destination.rentention, 30)
  bucket_id      = try(var.destination.bucket,

  dynamic "index_configs" {
    for_each = { for i in var.indexes : i.field_path => i }
    content {
      field_path = index_configs.value.field_path
      type       = index_configs.value.type

# in the sample input ip, host and path will be indexed so query based on these fields 
# will be much faster in Logs Explorer
  indexes = [
      field_path = "jsonPayload.ip"
      type       = "INDEX_TYPE_STRING"
      field_path = ""
      type       = "INDEX_TYPE_STRING"
      field_path = "jsonPayload.path"
      type       = "INDEX_TYPE_STRING"
