How to Drop Unwanted Metrics with Google Managed Prometheus
TL; DR: some prometheus exporters such as kube-state-metrics do emit a LOT of metrics and that will make a difference in your next bill so here’s how to drop them. 🙂
Solved: Google Managed Prometheus Kept Crashing
Context: I use Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus(GMP I call it for convenience) as the central piece of my observability stack. In a nut shell it’s Prometheus managed by Google. GMP runs a collector Prometheus pod in each node, as a DaemonSet. The collector Prometheus scrapes metrics within the node and forwards them to…
Monitoring MySQL with mysqld-exporter
TL; DR: I use mysqld-exporter with Prometheus to monitor my MySQL server. The mysqld-exporter runs as a container in my Kubernetes cluster. A sample manifest looks like: 🙂
How to Calculate Proportions Using 2 Metrics in Prometheus
Recently I needed to improve an alert defined using Prometheus Alert Manager to trigger when less than half of the minimum replicas are up, eg. I had a look at existing metrics collected by kube-state-metrics in my Kubernetes cluster, the number of replicas running well could be queried with the kube_pod_status_ready metric and the number…
How to Add Extra Scrape Configuration for Prometheus
After some recent updating to my home server running Ubuntu Server 20.04, the InfluxDB server suddenly stopped working. I’ve used InfluxDB + Telegraf for many years, the combination worked very well without much maintenance. But as I have deployed some new-ish stuff – Prometheus, Loki, etc. in my garage Kubernetes lab, I think it’s time…
Deploy the Loki Stack in a Kubernetes Cluster with ArgoCD
Loki and Promtail from Grafana Labs are new kids in the observability community. Are they good enough to replace Elasticsearch and Logstash? I would like to see. Here’s a sample ArgoCD Application to deploy Loki, Promtail, Prometheus and Grafana all from 1 Helm chart: grafana/loki-stack. Some settings of my installations are: loki, grafana and prometheus…