Solved: Kustomize Unable to Parse SM or JSON Patch
Recently I noticed that my ArgoCD manifests I used to patch using kustomize don’t work with latest version of kustomize anymore. The error I got looks like: My patch.yaml had something like this: There’s no syntax error in my files as this worked before. I tried to remove sections from the patch file and see…
Use Variables with Kustomize, Part 2
I was looking at the Kustomize variable trick I did a year ago and I think I’ve learned some new tricks worth noting down. Variables are very handy most of the times, here’s a pattern to define a variable to be used in Kustomize templates and set its value via annotations. There you have it:…
Use Variables in Kustomize
Variables in Kustomize are handy helpers from time to time, with these variables I can link some settings together which should share the same value all the time. Without variable I probably need to use some template engine like Jinja2 to do the same trick. Some examples here. In my case, there’s a bug in…
Customize the Kustomize for Kubernetes CRDs
I’ve introduced Kustomize in this earlier post, now I feel even happier because Kustomize can be even more customized for some CRDs(Custom Resource Definition). For instance, Kustomize doesn’t know how to handle Istio’s VirtualService object, but with some simple YAML style configurations it ‘learns’ to handle that easily. So in name-reference.yaml, kustomize will learn the…
Deploying WordPress to Kubernetes with Kustomize
I’ve just migrated this blog site itself into the kubernetes cluster I built with Raspberry Pi 4s, and this post is about the steps and approach I used to achieve this goal. Yes, what you have been reading is served by 1 of the Raspberry Pi boards. First of all, a bit introduction on kustomize:…