Tag: kubernetes

  • Kubernetes Log Aggregation with Filebeat and Logstash

    Following last blog, Filebeat is very easy to setup however it doesn’t do log pattern matching, guess I’ll need Logstash after all. First is to install Logstash of course. To tell Filebeat to feed to Logstash instead of Elasticsearch is straightforward, here’s some configuration snippets: Filebeat K8s configMap: — apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name:…

  • Kubernetes Cluster Log Aggregation with Filebeat

    Finally the Kubernetes cluster I was working on went live, and I didn’t provide a log aggregation solution yet. I had a look at dynaTrace, which is a paid SaaS. However it requires to install some agent in every container. It’s fun when there’s only several to play with but I wouldn’t rebuild dozens of…

  • Kubernetes External Service with HTTPS

    This is a quick example to assign an SSL certificate to a Kubernetes external service(which is an ELB in AWS). Tested with kops 1.8 and kubernetes 1.8. — apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-https-service namespace: my-project labels: app: my-website-ssl annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert: “arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-2:xxx:certificate/xxx…” service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: “http” service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-ports: “https” service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: ‘3600’ spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: app: my-website…

  • Get access to a container in Kubernetes cluster

    With Kubernetes(K8s), there’s no need to do ssh user@host anymore since everything is running as containers. There are still occasions when I need shell access to a container to do some troubleshooting. With Docker I can do It’s quite similar in K8s However in K8s containers have random IDs so I need to know the…

  • Internal Service in Kubernetes Cluster

    In Kubernetes(K8s) cluster, 1 or more containers form a pod and every container in the pod can access other container’s port just like apps in the same local host. For example: – pod1 – nginx1 – gunicorn1, port:8000 – pod2 – nginx2 – gunicorn2, port:8000 So nginx1 can access gunicorn1’s port using localhost:8000 and nginx2…

  • Kops: Add Policies for Migrated Apps

    When migrating some old applications to a Kubernetes(k8s) cluster provisioned by kops, a lot of things might break and one of them is the missing policy for the node. By default, nodes of a k8s cluster have the following permissions: ec2:Describe* ecr:GetAuthorizationToken ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer ecr:GetRepositoryPolicy ecr:DescribeRepositories ecr:ListImages ecr:BatchGetImage route53:ListHostedZones route53:GetChange // The following permissions are…

  • Notes: BuildKite and Kubernetes Rolling Update

    This is kind of a textbook case that container is much more efficient than VM. The CI pipeline in comparison uses AWS CloudFormation to build new VMs and drain old VMs to do a rolling update, which takes around 10 minutes for everything even if it’s just 1 line of code changed. I did a…

  • Kubernetes Tips: ConfigMap

    This is how to update a config map with 1 line: kubectl create configmap foo –from-file foo.properties -o yaml –dry-run | kubectl replace -f – I found it here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38216278/update-k8s-configmap-or-secret-without-deleting-the-existing-one And this is how to mount a config map created from a file as file(not super intuitive but a config map can only be mounted as…