ArgoCD, Jsonnet and Tanka in 2024
A few years ago, I got to know Jsonnet and I loved it at first sight. I used a nice little tool called tanka to manage my Jsonnet manifests and I got them working together with ArgoCD, and finally I re-deployed my blog using this combo. Everything worked like a charm, until… Recently I upgraded…
How to Enable Compression in Istio Ingress Gateway
TL; DR: here’s a code snippet to turn on gzip compression for Istio’s ingress gateway, using Envoy filter. Tested with Istio 1.16 and Kubernetes 1.26. To test it with curl: 🙂
How to Mount an Existing Google Persistent Disk to a Pod in GKE
TL; DR: Below are steps to mount an existing Google Persistent Disk to a pod in a GKE cluster in the same region. Most of the time I’d prefer to run stateless pods in Kubernetes clusters – they come, they go, as if nothing happened. When there are things to be persisted, a Persistent Volume…
How to Run Tableau Server in GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine)
TL; DR: here are my notes to host a fully working Tableau Server in a GKE cluster. It’s not fully Kubernetes native but still I think it’s better than running as a VM. This is correct as of Dec 2023. The Docker Container Image There doesn’t seem to have an official docker image for Tableau…
Github Hosted Runners and Their Access to GCP VPC
TL; DR: Given plenty of free time of Github hosted runners, I’m tempted to use it instead of running self-hosted ones in my GCP environment. Here are some options to grant network access to my GCP VPC. Prerequisites: Google Workload Identity Federation for Github Runners Option #1, grab the public IP of the runner on-the-fly…
How to Setup Google Workload Identity Federation for Github Actions Runners
When using GHA(Github Actions) for CI/CD purposes, the Github-hosted runners are free unless you use it quite a lot. But if I want to use GHA to build a docker container image and save it to my private repository in Google Artifact Registry, I have to grant the permission to some VMs I don’t even…
Solved: Atlantis Couldn’t Track Google Service Account Keys in State File
Atlantis is a great tool to do Terraform infrastructure-as-code and gitops together. I got it setup and running alright but when I let it to manage some service account keys(I know, not the best option, but in my situation I had to use it), it kept trying to re-create even if the key exists. Turns…
Solved: Error 403: The caller does not have permission
Recently I got a very confusing error when setting up a PubSub subscription to write to a Big Query table via terraform. Here’s the partial terraform code snippet: And the input variable subscriptions looks like: It doesn’t show any error when doing terraform plan however it gives 403 error when applying. After some googling I…