Mining ZCash on Ubuntu Linux

I didn’t quite believe that mining crypto currencies is viable as an individual, until I saw the news that AMD graphics cards were sold out because they’re good at mining Ethereum. To be convinced I tried to order AMD RX 570 from some online vendors, and they all cancelled my orders and refunded me shortly.

So even if I wanted to mine Ethereum I will have to wait indefinitely for the AMD cards to be re-stocked. At least I can buy some NVidia GTX 1070 cards and mine ZCash instead, before NVidia cards are sold out.

Here’s how to mine ZCash with NVidia cards on Ubuntu.

First, you need a wallet so I can receive payments, if there will be any.  It’s quite easy to install zcash on Arch Linux(because I run Arch on my laptop):

sudo pacman -S zcash
mkdir .zcash
echo "" >~/.zcash/zcash.conf
echo "rpcuser=<your user>" >>~/.zcash/zcash.conf
echo "rpcpassword=`head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64`" >>~/.zcash/zcash.conf

For other operating systems, see

Then you can download the bootstrap data with


It will download about 800MB, after finished, you can start your wallet with


When it’s running, you can use zcash-cli command to create your wallet:

zcash-cli getnewaddress

There will be a long hash started with ‘t’, which is a transparent address, with which you can send and receive zcash. You don’t have to run your wallet and your miner on the same machine, but your miner will use the t address(you will get paid to your wallet).

Now onto your miner machine. You will need to install some dependencies for the miner:

sudo apt-get install nvidia-opencl-dev nvidia-375

System needs to be restarted to load the driver. You can load the driver without restarting too, eg. sudo modprobe nvidia-375. Then you can follow the post below to use the miner:



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