Desperate Housewives Season2
1, Bree: Take this drink. The next part would be so hard, that I think you might need a little help to go through.
2, Bree: (to her daughter) When I was young, I was given beauty, wisdom, …(没听出来) and insight, the weapons for a girl. As for you, I suggest you keep up a good appearance, cause that’s your only weapon.
3, Narrator: People are finding(founding?) unlikely friendship.
Battlestar Galactica Season2
1, Commander Adarma: Call it whatever you like, I’m taking my men.
2, Admiral Kane: Do you always get what you want?
Starbuck: Most the times.
Admiral Kane: Me too.
3, Cylon: Humans are the master of self-destruction.
One response to “美剧中几句偶比较欣赏的对白”
非常反感Desperate Housewives,俺经常痛心疾首地对俺LP讲:把这几个女主角当作反面教材吧,你看,在她们的“不懈努力”下,她们的丈夫或男友都死翘翘了(只是有早有晚)!