
zimbra-5.jpg由于ubuntu6.10 edgy不支持我的intel DG695主板,我只好拿β版的7.04 feisty来试试运气了。还好,一切顺利了,下面开始安装ZCS(zimbra collaboration suite)4.5.4!

由于ZCS尚未官方支持feisty,一帆风顺的安装似乎不可能了。不过feisty比edgy在底层结果上变动不大,只要安装了必要的软件包,让ZCS以为自己身在edgy即可。以下是我在zimbra论坛上得到的回复。Thanks, dijichi2 !

#vim /etc/lsb-release




  • Mail Identities. The Mail Identities feature allows users to send email from their account using different names and mail settings. Users can select which From address to use for the mail they are sending from ZWC. 多邮件身份,例如个人身份和职员身份
  • Personal Distribution Lists. Users can create Contact Group lists in their Address Book. 个人的邮件地址群
  • Users can implicitly set whether the reading pane is OFF or ON. 用户设置预览屏开/关
  • Administrators can configure a canonical address for an account. The canonical address displays in the From field of messages that are sent. 管理员可设置用户的标准地址,显示在“来自”字段
  • Complex Passwords can be enforced. If you use internal authentication of users to the Zimbra directory, you can create password rules that require users to create more secure passwords. You can set a combination of password length, password uniqueness rules, and password lifetime.丰富的口令策略,例如位长、有无字母数字和有效期等等
  • Password rules can be configured in COS or individual accounts. 口令规则可以统一(COS)或为个别账号指定
  • Accounts can be locked out when users attempt to log on using an incorrect password. You can set the specified number of times within a specific period of time that a log on attempt can be made before the account is locked out. You can also set the lockout time. 账户死锁功能。你可以指定输入错误口令次数和账户死锁时间
  • Manage Zimlets from the administration console. You can add new Zimlets, set access privileges by COS and by individual accounts, and disable and uninstall Zimlets from ZCS. A Zimlets tab has been added to COS and individual accounts. 在管理后台控制zimlets
  • Custom administration extension modules you create can be uploaded and installed from the administration console. 在管理后台上传和安装管理扩充模组
  • When forwarding is not enabled, users cannot forward mail nor create mail filter rules to forward mail. 当转寄被禁止时,用户不能转寄或为转寄建立邮件过滤规则
  • Users can configure the HTML default font settings to use when composing a message or working in Documents.用户可以配置HTML缺省字体
  • Advanced search capabilities in the administration console. When you use Advanced Search, you can create a complex query to search for addresses by domain or server. 管理后台高级搜索
  • Shortcut navigation for ZWC option is turned on when you upgrade or install ZCS. ZCS includes the ability for Zimbra Web Client users to use shortcut keys to navigate through the applications and sets up a Shortcut tab in Options to allow 用户的浏览器客户端快捷键选项