Author: admin

  • Solved: Python Telegram Bot Hangs

    I’ve upgraded my Telegram game bot Word Squad to use the latest V21 Python Telegram Bot(PTB) framework, from a distant V13 which I built this bot with 2 years ago. Along the way I upgraded a few components too, such as Python 3.9 –> 3.12, redis 6 –> 7, etc. After I made all the…

  • My Cheatsheet for gh(Github CLI)

    Install and login With OS X it’s as simple as brew install gh. For more options: How to list all pull requests of an organisation

  • An Anatomy of an ArgoCD ApplicationSet

    TL; DR: Here’s a working ArgoCD Application Set in YAML with probably all popular features + comments. I wouldn’t expect anyone got theirselves here without knowing what an ArgoCD ApplicationSet is for but just in case. A good reference: 🙂

  • Solved: Kustomize Unable to Parse SM or JSON Patch

    Recently I noticed that my ArgoCD manifests I used to patch using kustomize don’t work with latest version of kustomize anymore. The error I got looks like: My patch.yaml had something like this: There’s no syntax error in my files as this worked before. I tried to remove sections from the patch file and see…

  • Solved: Upgrading Mastodon from 4.2.x to 4.3.1

    It’s been almost 4 years since I started my own Mastodon instance. I took a look at the latest releases and my instance is way behind, so I decided to give v4.3.1 a try. With all the YAMLs and Kustomize stuff I did before, last few upgrades were as simple as a version number change.…

  • How I Upgraded MongoDB 6 Directly to 8

    Long story short, I had a server running Ubuntu 20.04 and unsurprisingly it’s been there for more than 4 years. For no reason I decided to give it an upgrade, actually 2 upgrades, ie. 20.04 –> 22.04 –> 24.04. And I totally regretted. The Ubuntu Linux system upgrade went well and I completely ignored the…

  • Solved: Jsonnet Language Server in Zed Failed to Start

    Since some update recently my Zed editor on my Macbook had trouble to start the Jsonnet language server, so the syntax validation and auto-complete are gone. I had a look at the error message but it didn’t really hinted anything: At least it told me where the server’s binary is located. So I went to…

  • How to Enable HSTS Preload for WordPress (or any other website)

    Today, I learned that even with full site HTTPS it’s still possible for a SSL stripping attach to happen. This is a very good YouTube video which everything regarding the attach and a solution – HSTS preload are explained. To make a WordPress site or any other website eligible for HSTS preload, it’s actually very…